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Technical data of acquisition : |
CCD Acquisition:
Starlight SXV H9 CCD Autoguide: SBIG ST 7 XME 402 E Optic configuration of the telescope: W.O. SDII 80 mm. F 555mm f/d 6,9 ( apograde TMB ) + focal reducer f 6,3 Meade. Effective focal 352mm. f/d 4,4 frammed field 1,5 x 1,1 degrees German Equatorial Mount: Gemini G 41 Observatory Plus and FS 2 system control Luminance integration time: 4x900" with filter Astronomik Ha 13 nm Integration color time: no Software used for the acquisition and the elaboration: CCDSoft, Photoshop CS2+NoiseNinja Astroart 4.0 Date of acquisition: November 2007 Zone of acquisition: Fixed remote posting of San Giuliano P.no ( Piacenza ) Italy Author Astroimager: Davide Romanini - ASTRODAVID -